Ser0 Laboratorio Vivo

Too many students in Latin America are dropping out of school and the main reason theycite is lack of interest in education. Our hypothesis is that dropout doesn't arise fromyouth's lack of interest but from education's lack of relevance. Through a semi-experimentaldeployment in a school in 2016, we proved the pillars of our model: a platform tostrengthen school capacities and ability to experiment and innovate in the solution of theirown problems. In 2017, we’re launching the scalable Ser0 Laboratorio Vivo, in partnershipwith 2 Education Secretariats in Bogota and Medellin, with 3 components: a physical spacefor educational innovation; the deployment in selected schools and a real-time monitoringand assessment tool to evaluate the impact. We're convinced that only connecting withothers who are disrupting education we can create a movement capable of makingtransformations at scale in Latin America. We believe that MECATE is the perfect space toconnect with the right people.

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I think the strategy is very good. I would add that there are public libraries of city councils and there are computers that can, by agreement, be available to the students who integrate this project as well as their monitors.
hace 7 años

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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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